Central European Joint Infodays 2024

Central European Joint Infodays 2024

3 December 2024 12:00 – 4 December 2024 14:00

Please read carefully this introductory information and answer all the questions.

This registration is for representatives of Czech higher education institutions only. The registration is open until 16 October, participants will be selected based on the answers provided in this form, mainly their motivation. They will be informed about the results around 21 October.

All selected participants will have the possibility to take part in two parallel sessions - the first session is intended for the action you are most interested in and it will include more in-depth practical information focused on application preparation. The second session is an opportunity for you to get more general information about one other action you are interested in. More information about the event, including specific agenda, is available at the event website.

First name
Last name